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Measurement Matters - Datalogger Backup

jra Aug 19, 2014 02:33 PM

Q: I’ve got my datalogger set up and running great. How do I back up its settings, programs and files?

A: As with any type of digital media it is prudent to make a backup of system settings and files in case of a hardware catastrophe, or, prior to updating an operating system. Version 2.08 of the Device Configuration Utility introduced a datalogger backup and restore wizard. Earlier versions made it easy to save device settings; however, this enhancement makes your backup even more comprehensive. Now, along with settings, you can save program and other files that reside on the datalogger.

Access the backup and restore wizards from the Device Configuration Utilities’ Backup menu.

Tip: Get the latest version of the Device Configuration Utility from our web site’s downloads section https://www.campbellsci.com/19_1_9999_83

Next week: What training course should I take?

* Last updated by: Janet on 8/19/2014 @ 8:34 AM *

smile Aug 21, 2014 06:03 AM


It also works for the CR200? since it is not possible to retrive the program.



jra Aug 21, 2014 04:59 PM

For the CR200-series you can backup the settings in the Device Configuration Utility, but not the program.

Use the "Read File" button to restore previously saved settings.

Ansgar Jan 6, 2015 11:07 AM


I like the possibility to backup not only the configuration but also the current programs and program settings of the datalogger (e.g. CR1000).
We normally have encrypted files running on the logger, and in the past it was not possible for any person but the creater of the encrypted file to upload it to the datalogger after an update of the OS.
How it is now with the new backup possiblity? When our customer does a backup of the logger for updating to a newer OS, can he restore also the ecrypted files on the logger although they are created from us?



jtrauntvein Jan 6, 2015 04:24 PM

If a file is encrypted, it is still possible for a client to read and overwrite that file. In that case, the backup and restore functionality will work fine. If, however, a file is hidden on the datalogger (something that is possible to do using corascript or the FileManage() CRBasic instruction), then that file cannot be read by devconfig and will not be included in the backup and subsequent restore.

mustafa.hodzic Mar 3, 2020 01:20 PM


We got task to re-operate datalogging system based on CR1000, system contain over 100 sensor and it wasn't operated more than 8 years... Main problem is that we don't have any documentation or configuration bacups...

Please can you advice us how to safe backup configuration from CR1000 Datalogger.


nsw Mar 4, 2020 04:54 PM


Use the latest version of Device Configurator software, which you can get from this website free-of-charge.

If there are any settings, programs, files, etc. still present on the datalogger, use the "Backup" > "Backup Datalogger". If you want to try retrieving the data, if it is still available, use "Backup" > "Data Recovery".

Almost certainly after 8 years, the internal lithium battery of the CR1000 will need to be replaced. If it has failed already, then all the programs, settings and data may already have been lost. It would make sense before re-using this datalogger, to get it checked and recalibrated by your local reseller or Campbell Scientific office.

The lithium battery details can be found in the CR1000 manual, again, available on the website.

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